Side project

My weird feature ideas


I wanted to design something without any constraints for a while. I considered working on a new startup idea or creating another imaginary app that makes zero sense. However, this inspired me to come up with some very weird ideas within existing apps. Here's a breakdown of all these concepts. Note that the order is based on my personal preference.

Pay to bring back the Twitter icon

Remember that iconic mountain bluebird logo? Imagine you could quickly use Apple Pay to bring it back. Taking into account Elon's actions, it doesn't seem too unrealistic.
An image of the icon selection window on Twitter/X, for choosing the bluebird icon

iMessage, but shows your friend's ETA

We all have that one friend who’s never on time. Big companies know more than we think they do. With this potential feature, iMessage would notify you about the estimated arrival time each time you’re trying to meet up.
An image of iMessage conversation showing your friend’s ETA

Gmail, but shows sender's average response time

Have you ever had to wait a long time for a very simple reply? I personally used to work with a client who would sometimes reply after a staggering 18 months. This concept would make it much more robust to set expectations and prevent wasting time with people like that.
An image of Gmail message with average response time

Crypto exchange that warns you about dumb trade ideas

Investment platforms have recently grown in popularity, offering endless opportunities. However, they often encourage excessive trading as they generate revenue through various fees. Imagine if they provided annotations to prevent users from making dumb investment decisions.
An image of cryptocurrency exchange warning user about dumb trade ideas

iOS notification, that warns you about reckless drivers nearby

It takes a lot of time and effort to catch reckless drivers, who pose a huge danger to pedestrians and other drivers. One safety solution could be an system notification that alerts you in real time about reckless drivers in your area.
An image of an iOS notification that warns you about reckless driver nerby

Instagram, but lets you know if your friend has already seen that video

Ever sent your friend’s a funny cat video only to find out they had already seen it? This concept could solve this problem by indicating whether your friend has seen the video, helping them clear their chat and keep you looking up-to-date.
An image of Instagram video sharing window with content viewing status

Real estate listing app that warns you about flippers

No matter if you're looking for a first home or an investment property, online listings are full of flippers and speculators who are trying to make as much profit as possible with little to no effort. Imagine if you could be notified if the seller is a flipper who's cut corners by using low quality materials.
An image of an estate description with a warning about the quality of used materials

Netflix, but you can charge friends you’re sharing your account with

Remember when Netflix tried to force people to use their own account instead of sharing their password with friends and family? Now imagine if they took the opposite approach and made collecting payments substantially easier.
An image of window for collecting payments from users sharing your Netflix account

Google Translate, but helps you understand Americans

I still find it strange to convert to Fahrenheit and quickly figure out how much 19 miles per gallon is. What if Google Translate could also help you understand Americans and all their weird measurements that almost nobody else is using?
An image of a Google Translate showing translation from 'American' to 'human' language

Uber, but sends you a notification if someone you know becomes a driver

Imagine getting an notification whenever somebody you know becomes an Uber driver. Your uncle or friend pulling up to you wouldn't be a surprise anymore.
An image of an app notification about a new driver you know

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